I am so far behind in my blog reading..hum I wonder why..maybe later today I can catch up.
As some of you know our darling daughter has been sickly for quite some time. After levelling out at close to a 100 lb weigh loss she was finally diagnosed with celiac disease and colitis a few months back. Due to the fact that it went undetected for so long it will definitely take some time to get it under control.
On Nov. 25th she had surgery for gall bladder removal. Yipee, we are on the road to recovery. On Dec. 3 she was rushed to the hospital with a massive pain attack..they performed an xray of the abdomen-did a blood test-her white cell counts were high- which tells me infection somewhere but they gave her a strong dose of dalauded a prescription for morphine and sent her home. She had a fairly good day on Monday.
Yesterday morning early we received a telephone call that the massive pain attack was back, and could we please come immediately and get our grand Hannah (as she was home from school sick)..this time her hubby took her to the other hospital in our area versus the one he took her to on Saturday. The pain was so bad she blacked out upon arrival at the hospital.
After blood work-and a ct scan it was discovered she had kidney stones..well no wonder she was in pain. A urologist was called in and he decided he was taking her to the OR to remove them. It was a long day but she had her surgery (2nd one in less than 2 weeks)...at 9pm and they finally got back home around 11pm last evening. She will have to go back and have the stint removed in a couple of days. I wonder why that other hospital didn't do a ct scan on Saturday, this could have been fixed at that time.
After a ct scan and u/sound 3 weeks ago she was informed she had two cysts and something else on her kidney and would require a biopsy for the something else. Hence why we were not sure if we would / could leave on 27th and were hoping and praying that biopsy would be done before we left.
So it was wait for a urology consult then biopsy. Around here that could take forever. Her consult appt was yesterday which she missed because she was in the hospital.
Good comes out of bad folks-the urologist who was called in to take care of her last night-stated her ct scan was good and all the three things on her kidney are just cysts and no biopsy is required. So just a little piece of sunshine in all this mess.
On the home front here its been quite a week and feels like it should be Friday instead of only wednesday..we have been babysitting the grands off and on because of all these health issues and surgeries with our daughter.
On Monday a friend's little 3 yr old was sick and could not go to daycare so she spent the day here with us. Yesterday we had our Hannah because she was sick with the flu and couldn't go to school. She was spiking a temp all day and just feeling miserable and of course worried about her mom. Thank heavens for children's tylenol and advil-I was able to keep it under control. She slept very well for us last night but she won't be going to school today and we will take her back home sometime today, after I make them some supper to bring with us.
Tucker the nurse-he shadows this child when she is with us |
Tucker loves kids, and seems to know when they are not feeling well and becomes Mr Velcro..he hung around Serenah all day monday when she was here and he never left Hannah's side all day yesterday. He is quite the nurse.
On another note Rick has been on bp meds since last Friday, I still check him daily, and although he is not coming down as fast as I would like-I'm praying this issue levels out within the next couple of weeks. He is hovering around 150/90 hopefully it will keep moving lower.
Ok I'm am off to make supper to take to the kids and pack things up to take the darling back home. Hopefully we are all over the 'hump' so to speak.
Have a super day folks, I hope to catch up on my blog readings later today-and hope that you are all safe and sound and that 'Murphy' is leaving you alone.
Home is where you park it
“Sometimes you have to forget whats gone, appreciate what still remains, and look forward to whats coming next”.
"May your day be filled with blessings like the sun that lights the sky~and may you always have the courage to spread your wings and fly"
“Life is like a party. You invite a lot of people, some leave early, some stay, some laugh with you, some at you, some didn't come. But in the end, after the fun, there would be a few who would stay and help clean up the mess with you. And most of the time, those were the ones who didn't even make the mess: )"