The weather here in Mississippi has been fabulous!
Its been a great visit with our kids. It will be so hard to leave here come Sunday morning, at which time we will motor on to Alabama making our way toward North Carolina. It is sad when you are starting the loop toward home. But there is still a lot of excitement ahead for us. Visiting great friends in NC..then meeting friends from home over in Savannah Ga for a few days, and a possible stop over for a couple of days in Myrtle Beach.
We have been so busy this past week, I can’t even remember all that we’ve done with the kids. But it has been non stop! We are soaking up all the time we can with them. I think I’ve gained about 10 lbs from dinners at their home, at our home, and dining out.
Shopping: Yes Becky and I have been doing a lot of that..and Rick and I went shopping the other this place? Except this wasn’t a fun shopping trip but it could have been a lot worse than it was. Yes a rock flew off a truck tire and hit our car windshield. Hopefully the repair will stop it from spreading until we get back home to Canada.
While the furkids were at a groomer yesterday -Becky and I had another mother daughter day..we went to a spa and had manicures and pedicures. Yup we have pretty toes and fingers!!
Last evening we went for dinner at Longhorn’s to celebrate Matthew’s birthday. Happy Birthday Matty and may you have many many more. It was great to be able to celebrate with you.
Check out that desert-wowser |
Today I thought it a good day to .......
Yup defrost the fridge and theres a job for you! I contemplated doing it at 3am this morning as I couldn’t sleep (for the 2nd night in a row)..but thought I might make too much racket and wake the furkids and the hubby.
Here we are parked up at Timberlake Camp Ground right on the reservoir in Brandon Mississippi about ten minutes from where our kids live in Ridgeland. Nice spacious lots, with pads and patio, grill, great pool area, tennis courts, and no charge for visitors, with a good rate at 24.00/night.
We spent the afternoon and evening with our kids-I sponged off their wifi to do the blog and read up on yall...take care and be safe out there...thanks for stopping by!! And a Great big Happy St. Paddys' day to yall....
"Home is where you park it"