Sunday, January 8, 2012

Online Party-wooly head today!-Game Playing

Saturday was a great day!! Sunny and hot-first order of the day after checking emails and reading blogs was to get the fur kids 'washed' up. They were getting pretty dirty. So we popped them one by one into the shower for a good scrub up. 

We headed over to play shuffleboard with Debbie and Ken and Dee and Jim early in the afternoon. Came home and had happy hour while I made 'japanese' chicken for supper, with potatoes veggies and salad. It was some good.

We sat around most of the evening outside, visiting with other residents took the kids for a you can see we didn't do too much of anything. Maybe we're finally learning how to gear down and relax?!

We were getting ready to hit the hay around 11:30 when my computer starting ringing in the ichat mode. Our sons out west in Gibson's were calling. We chatted and had a great visit..they were having some cognac so Rick had a couple of Dalwhinnie and I had a couple of mudslides. Well maybe more than a couple. We finally got to bed around 2am.  

This morning I got up and my head felt like cotton wool...I've never had that feeling before..maybe it was allergies-thankfully it was better after an advil and a pot of coffee.

There is a motorhome here in the park that has apparently been vacant and sitting in the same spot for 8 years. The owner was sick and they had to go back home I guess-after he passed away his wife for some reason hasn't returned. She sent a cleaner in today as she is considering selling the Motorhome. Mary (the cleaner) sure has a big job on her hands. Deb and I strolled over to see if she had everything she needed for the job. The roof fridge vent is missing (the tank vent covers disintegrated when touched) and weather and what not was entering the we volunteered our husbands Rick and Ken to go up and mask it off and cover it. She said there were alot of critters in there and left lots of traces of being there. She even found a shedded 'snake' skin (which she kindly showed us..ewww) hanging out of the floor furnace vent behind the drivers seat. Needless to say we didn't venture a foot in there. Here are the boys doing their volunteer work...Thanks Ken and Rick!!
Yup that roof is suppose to be white

Rick was a bit worried the roof might be soft after so many yrs of no maintenance-but said it was ok
Today at around 1:15 we all met up with Kathleen and Jon, and we headed down to Pat and Dennis's home in Sebring. They have a beautiful winter home-we played cards, ate delicious sloppy joes- and a good time was had by all. Rick and I left shortly after 6pm as we had to make a stop at WallyWorld to pick up a few things and we were anxious to get back home to our dogs. 

Dee-Dennis and Rick

What a great time we all had...we played euchre and 3-31. We are still in the learning stage but Jim and I partnered up and won a game of euchre :). WTG Jim. A big thank you to Pat and Dennis for sharing their lovely home with us and for there excellent hospitality.

And I have a new 'boyfriend' Scooter...he is a 5lb poodle/chiuaua mix...and what a bundle of love this little guy is-hes the dearest little fellow with a 50lb personality. He belongs to Pat and Dennis. And this picture does not really do him justice as he is one cute little guy.

We arrived back home around 7pm and took the fur kids for a big walk. Then sat out with our coffees. I dont' know where the time flies to...we have been here for 5 days already. I guess time flies when your having fun!!

Take care everyone and be safe out there !!

Here are some pictures of the park..

Home is where you park it

"May your day be filled with blessings like the sun that lights the sky~and may you always have the courage to spread your wings and fly"

“Life is like a party. You invite a lot of people, some leave early, some stay, some laugh with you, some at you, some didn't come. But in the end, after the fun, there would be a few who would stay and help clean up the mess with you. And most of the time, those were the ones who didn't even make the mess: ) How true this is!!! “


  1. that sure sounds like it is going to be quite the job to clean that rig up after all that time!!..good for you for being neighbourly and helping out!!

  2. I have always wanted to learn to play Euchre and/or bridge. Never got round to it. Maybe one day.....sigh...

    Good for y'all being so neighbourly and helping the cleaning up of that rig. Glad I am not buying it!

    Mike and Dee

  3. Looks like you had another great day, and scooter reminds me of our Sadie, although she is 8lbs now, but still the fastest thing on four legs,That motorhome that sat that long will be nothing but trouble, it will never run right and all kinds of mechanical problems await someone who would buy it. Maybe she should donate it to a fire department to use as a training aid in fighting RV fires.Be safe out there. Sam & Donna..

  4. Nice way to spend the afternoon with good company, and that you are getting to relax. Bet the furkids are loving the break from the snow also. Don't think I would care to go into that motorhome either. Have never played euchre or 3-31 but sounds like it would be fun to learn.

  5. I would not be interested in the RV that has been sitting around for so long and neglected. Sheesh!

    You have a nice spot for the RV and it appears you have little time to relax with all the socializing. But it's cleat that you are having a really nice time.

  6. Just gotta love the warm weather and relaxing no rush days. Can't imagine that motorhome being worth very much at all, even if its still usable.

  7. Your park looks lovely. Great place to spend a month of R & R which you seem to be doing. Also a perfect location for the furkids, being able to keep them enclosed yet with some freedom.

  8. I feel sorry for anyone who buys that motorhome. Good for you for helping.
