Well, I haven't had much time lately to get on here and update the blog ~ its been crazy busy...we are finishing up the house...seems like I'm forever saying 'we are finishing up' and I dont' see the end as of yet. But I do see a light at the end of the tunnel..so am hoping that counts for something.
We survived the trip to Ontario, Tucker and Lilly travelled great...and the trip back was uneventful thank heavens. We have been going straight out since our return but we did take the long weekend off and camped up at the cottage in our new to us rig. It was a bit hairy at the Motor Vehicle Branch here in NB getting the rig licensed and registered..apparently we were so excited moving day, we didn't realize (I"m sure they told us)..that the little tab thingy on the peel and stick transit 10 day sticker was the proof we needed to register-I was worried Rick may have thrown it out after applying the sticker..thinking it was the receipt for the transit sticker... We waited in line at the DMV for what seemed like forever only to find out we needed that...the bill of sale etc was not sufficient...back home we came..tore the rig apart (I normally save everything) and finally found it...and back to the DMV we went again..waited in line again..and finally got the job done. Today we had to take it to be NB inspected..so now everything is done complete and we're good till this time next year.
While in Ontario we had the extreme pleasure of meeting up with Dee and Jim, and Sandra and Gordon. It was a rainy wet day but it didn't put a damper on our visit. I just wish the visit could have been longer. Thanks for coming out to meet us folks..As you can see the rain didn't hamper our visit.
Dee and Sandra :) |
Jim and Rick Sharing a laugh
Gordon taking a pic of me taking a pic :)
Me Sandra and Dee
Us ladies again
Gordon being serious |
We also had the opportunity to meet up with Rick's 1st cousin Barb and and her husband Bob at a rest stop in Trenton, ON...they hadn't seen each other in over 40 years....it was another quick but special visit.
After leaving Grimsby, we travelled to White Lake ON..to a resort called Cedar Cove...wow that place was in the middle of no where...twisty and winding narrow roads...what a trip for our first long haul with the new rig...we met up with my cousin and her hubby there and spent four days with them, we drank some wine and had some great laughs and wonderful meals. And I have to add it rained for the whole 4 days we were there non stop.
All in all the trip was a great success but I will sure be glad when we are able to hit the road without time lines...seems we've always crowded so much into such short time spans...
Ok am off to spend some time with the hubby and plan tomorrow....stay safe all~and remember
Home is where you Park it...!!