Well once again it is the 'night' before the 'night before Christmas'....
Christmas is a time for reflection on the past, hope for the future, wondering what could have been and wondering where we will go from here. Our wish this year for our family and friends, far and wide, is peace, health and happiness. As long as we have peace, health and happiness as well as our freedom what more could we ask for. It is also a time for remembering and reflecting on our past...and while we make new memories with friends and family may we also remember those who are less fortunate than ourselves. May you all have a truly wonderful Christmas and holiday season~be safe ~ be happy ~ and be thankful!!
We are expecting approximately 16-18 Dinner guests for Christmas dinner...so for the next 5 days or so our household will be a busy one for sure. I will try and get a post Christmas blog up with pictures. I just looked out the window and low and behold it is 'snowing'...there is truly nothing nicer than a nice dusting of fresh snow for Christmas!! (Unless its sand in your toes :)...
We are expecting approximately 16-18 Dinner guests for Christmas dinner...so for the next 5 days or so our household will be a busy one for sure. I will try and get a post Christmas blog up with pictures. I just looked out the window and low and behold it is 'snowing'...there is truly nothing nicer than a nice dusting of fresh snow for Christmas!! (Unless its sand in your toes :)...
So from our stix and bricks (this year) to your home : Have a Merry Christmas each and everyone of you!!!

Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
Elaine,Rick Tucker and Lilly